Be Fucking Patient! - How To Deal With Lack Of Results

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm going to be speaking about how to be more patient so that you can stop being so frustrated and stressed over the lack of results you seem to be getting in your life [Music] you how sad would it be if you were on track set on a guaranteed track to get some big important significant accomplishment in your life and then you quit just inches ahead of the final goal how many times does that happen to you what I want to suggest is that maybe the only thing standing in the way between you and the success that you want in your life is actually just patience or lack thereof it's really a problem of lack of patience so I'm going to be using a lot of different examples here from different areas of life but what I want you to do as I'm talking about how to develop patience is I want you to take an example from your life where you're on some kind of endeavor or you have some kind of project that you're trying to accomplish right something big something important to you and then use that for your example and then whatever I'm talking about will apply not only to my examples but of course to your example this is very broad widespread applicable stuff that I'm going to be talking about so you're on this journey of self actualization and on this journey you expect to get results and what happens a lot of times is that you feel like you're not getting the results you deserve given what you're putting in and it's very important that you remind yourself over and over and over again on this journey to be more patient because it's very easy to forget this now the self actualization journey that's like one endeavor that's the endeavor that we're doing here together with this content but you know you might have other endeavors maybe you're starting a business maybe you're working on your health and I mean these could be part of the self-actualization journey but also they could be separate things so maybe you're trying to get married and have kids maybe you're trying to get educated and go back to school to some graduate program maybe you're trying to learn how to play the guitar or the piano maybe you're trying to become a great artist maybe you're trying to become a great investor you know whatever your goals are maybe trying to become enlightened or just a masterful meditator maybe you're seeking emotional mastery maybe you're trying to overcome your depression so this is what I'm talking about by these kind of like accomplishments now what I would suggest to you is that you know sometimes what will happen is that you just have a bad technique or a bad method that you're using which will never work which means you got to go find a better method or a better technique but a lot of times what happens is you just psych yourself out you have the right method you have the right technique you have the right information you're even already starting to build the right habits but you just psych yourself out halfway along the journey and you don't complete it simply because this is how our mind works see what our mind will do is it'll set unrealistic expectations and there's a real tendency of the mind to sabotage itself because it expects too much too fast especially with large important goals there's a saying that I really like from Tony Robbins I heard him say once that people generally overestimate what they can accomplish in one year but underestimate what they can accomplish in five years and I find that to be very true especially when I was younger all throughout my 20s I really struggled with various business projects that I was working on I really struggled to see them through to completion and mostly when I look back on it now it was just like a lack of patience I was expecting way too much way too soon and like Tony Robbins was saying here you know I overestimated what I could accomplish on this project in one year but then I didn't think far enough along to see how much I could accomplish in let's say three years or in say five years see what you got to realize about the mind is that the mind sucks at distributing work evenly across time it it tends to want the work that's happening early on to bring the equal amount of results as the work happening later on in this kind of curve we're kind of mapping out and we're drawing like a curve or a graph of the results you get by working on some kind of project or some kind of endeavor or with meditation or with self-actualization as a whole right the mind sucks at working with big numbers so it doesn't really understand a million or a billion doesn't understand these kinds of numbers and also the mind has a difficult time grasping your life in terms of like decades it's really hard for your mind to see 10 20 30 years forward into your life and yet this is exactly what's required in order to get the big success that you want also the mind tends to forget or dismiss this very fundamental truth which is that all big success is actually made have thousands of tiny little steps a giant success like becoming financially independent and having a business of your own or becoming a famous artist or becoming a great musician or becoming a great meditator or becoming enlightened these things do not occur in one giant victory they happen because you take little baby steps over and over and over again and those accumulate and add up to something that's ultimately very big and impressive right but it's very easy to forget this when you're in the middle of one of these projects and especially when you're kind of in a a dip when you're in a in a part of the project where it just feels like there's no results happening there's some mistakes that happen there's a setback and you feel like nothing is working and then you feel like quitting and giving up what you got remind yourself of is that results do not come linearly there's an exponential growth curve for results in whatever you're doing it looks like this right it starts off very very shallow which means you're putting a lot of work and a lot of time a lot of emotional labor but you're not seeing much result but then as you keep doing that more and more and more and more months and years into the process then you start to hit the knee of the curve and when you hit the knee of the curve then there's like an explosive growth and then sometimes what happens and it's very a very surreal phenomenon is when you just persist at something over and over and over again you hit the knee of that curve results all of a sudden just start pouring in and they pour in faster and bigger than you could have ever dreamed of it's like you have an abundance of riches at that point I've noticed that happen with dating with relationships that happens that happens with meditation that happens with enlightenment work that happens with business like the first few years of your business you're kind of just going along going long and you're trying to make ends meet and you just can it's a really really difficult struggle you're on the brink of bankruptcy and quitting but then you hit the knee that curve and then just like customers flow in money flows in everybody wants to interview you everyone wants to do business with you and then it becomes really sweet so you got to remind yourself of the fact that really what you're working towards is hitting the knee of that curve the point where it stops being flat and it starts going vertical that's really what you're looking forward to so this is kind of like a long-term thinking kind of deal you got to really appreciate that at the beginning of every project that's the longest phase and that's the most emotionally difficult part the beginning is probably more than half the work is in the beginning more probably like 80 to 90% of all the work and all the emotional labor starts at the very beginning of the project right and it could take a couple of years like if you're starting a business it might take you a couple of years might take you longer than you expect there might be more setbacks than you expect in fact I guarantee you it will take longer than you expect and there will be more setbacks than you expect now logically all this makes sense to you logically even like a fifth grader I could tell them all this and he'd be like yeah of course Lee I'm not stupid I understand this stuff okay so logically you understand it and that's fine you know you know it you have that knowledge somewhere buried in your brain but uh emotionally do you understand it that's the real question here and that's the key do you grasp it emotionally because if you did then you wouldn't be so frustrated and stressed and overwhelmed at the beginning of every new project or endeavor that you're undertaking if you're like me you've struggled with this a lot and I know that every product I would start I would just be kind of like neurotic and needy and desperate for results and I'd be like where are my results where are my results I've been doing this for a whole week Leo where are my results I've been meditating for a whole month where are my results I've been doing enlightenment work for two months where are my results you must be telling us stupid ideas and stupid techniques here that just don't work right I've been there I've been there with self-development I've been there with business I've been there with programming projects that I worked on web development projects that I've worked on video game projects that I've worked on and so on earlier in my life right um and what always frustrated me is just that I could I could kind of see that I was sabotaging myself in all these projects because I would be so needy for the result that eventually I couldn't take the pressure anymore and then I just had to quit because I couldn't stand not seeing the results fast enough so what needs to happen is that emotionally you need to start to get on board what I'm talking about here right this principle of patience you need to start to apply the principle of patience like an ointment or a salv on to the emotional wounds that you experience at the beginning the long dry spell that you have at the beginning of every new endeavor whatever that endeavor is another important component of this principle of patience is that the level of patience that you apportion to a project should be proportional to the significance of that project to your life let's unpack that what does that mean let me give you an example so let's say that I am planning to write a world-changing book I want to write a book that will transform the lives of millions of people and this is something that's like my dream project and I say okay I'm gonna sit down write this book and I give myself one year to write this book well six months into this project well I'll probably discover is that man this is harder than I thought writing a world-changing book is harder than I thought I don't have the I don't have the staying power maybe I don't have the writing skills I have I I need to write this book maybe I don't have the research done that I need to write this book maybe I don't have enough life experience yet to write this book and so what happens is I get discouraged I psych myself out and I quit halfway through the project well that's the normal way that it goes now if you apply the principle of patience to this and especially this component of proportional patience what it means is you ask yourself something like okay how significant is this project well I'm writing a world-changing book that will affect the lives of millions of people all that's that's a very significant thing well if it's that significant then I should be willing to take some setbacks I should be very extra patient with this process right so if it takes me instead of one year it takes me two years fine takes me three years fine takes me ten years fine why because it's so significant it's still worth it still worth it now for some projects you might ask yourself that question no is it worth it is it worth it doing if it takes twice as long three times as long ten times as long you might come up with the answer that no it's not worth it well in that case you need to change your project you always want to be working on the projects that are worth it even if it takes you a decade to do it so what are some examples of projects like that well meditation is a great example that if it takes you 10 years to become a master meditator instead of the two years that you expect is that still worth it and the answer is unquestionably yes it's still worth it so that's a very good little rule of thumb that you can use to judge what kind of things you should be working on you know if you're writing this world-changing book and there's the subject of this book is important to you and maybe it's part of your life purpose then hell yeah ten years fine ten years who cares it's still worth it it's it's significant enough that it's worth it it might be worth 20 years of work Napoleon Hill on his book uh thinking Grow Rich he spent like 10 or 20 years doing research for that book that's impressive that's impressive and that has gone on to become uh probably one of the most best sold self-help books of all time it's sold probably hundreds of millions of copies and you can see you can see the love and the attention that he put into that book it wasn't a flimsy little self-help book written to get some publicity it was a real research project and that's why it went on to become so world-changing because there was real research in the in the book there you can when you read the book you see 20 years of work put in the book unlike some books where you don't see that how about with starting a business of your own if it takes you five years or start a business of your own and become financially independent rather than two years is that still worth it to you hell yeah yeah it's totally worth it if you're an entrepreneurial minded person and you love doing your own work you love setting your own schedule ah it's totally worth it for you how about with the relationship if you're looking for a relationship and you want you know a marriage with kids you want the perfect marriage and you expect to get that within one year and it takes you five years to get it is it still worth it yeah it's probably totally worth it for you it's totally worth even secu ten years of work to get that marriage it's still worth it for you right and so on and so on and so on ah another point I want to make here is that this principle of patience is extra important to those of you who are newbies on this process and not just newbies but what I would call like um newbies coming from a place of deficiency like real deficiency if you're starting at Ground Zero on your endeavor or on your project like let's say you have never meditated before you're starting at Ground Zero but not only that but you're actually depressed so it's like you're not even at neutral you're like in the negative you're depressed and you have chronic anxiety and fear so it's like you have no emotional mastery whatsoever you're in the negative okay so if you're a newbie like that and let's say you're depressed and you're starting this raising of awareness process and you're trying to meditate you're trying to do self actualization work you got to be extra patient with yourself because you're in the negative it's going to take you it's going to take you a while to get through the very like shallow flat part of that curve where you're not seeing any results but you're putting in a lot of emotional labor the same thing like if you're struggling with your finances if you're struggling with your finances you're barely able to pay your bills and you decide to start a business yeah I mean it's the same thing it's kind of like being depressed and starting to do meditation work it's like you're at the very very very bottom you're a ground zero so oh one of the most important techniques you should be using is this principle of patience just like take patience and visualize in your mind patience like an ointment right like imagine you have a burn or an itch somewhere on your body and it's really itching like you really need some results because you're a newbie you're at ground zero you really need some results so what you are going to do is you're gonna you're gonna take this cool uh soothing ointment and you're just going to like slather it in very liberally in large doses all over your wound all over your body so that it stops itching at least for a little while to hold you over until you can get to the doctor or until you can let your body heal itself you know uh it's it's really funny and kind of ironic and twisted ironic twist of fate that for newbies their lack of results and their need for results are exactly what keeps them being newbies for most of their life because see a newbie comes in and he's at Ground Zero and now he wants results he comes in because he needs the results like for example let's say I had a dry spell and I haven't had sex in five or ten years and I haven't had a good relationship in five or ten years I really want some love and attention and I want some sex and I want some companionship because I'm feeling so lonely I met Ground Zero right and so it's like all I need is that that result that's what I really need to fix myself but ironically that's exactly the thing that's going to keep me from getting my result because that kind of needy behavior repels people makes you repulsive and it's going to ruin your relationships and it's Garou in your dating life well the same thing applies for business if you come into business and you're totally broke and you're trying to get this business just to earn some money just to pay the bills you just want to survive and you're just telling you some everyday man if I could just get a little bit of money and this business could work I would be happy you come into it like that but again you're just like that newbie who's so desperate that at that point you're willing to take all these shortcuts in business you're not going to create a high quality product from that state of mind or a high quality service so basically you're going to start end up taking shortcuts and looking for get-rich-quick schemes and those will always disappoint you because you're not building towards successful and sustainable long-term what about with meditation or enlightenment work if you come into enlightenment work or meditation and all you're trying to do is you're trying to get some you know you're trying to get some relief from the suffering in your life and all you're doing it for is just relief well that's going to be a very painful for you because you're not going to get relief the first the first few years of enlightenment work and of meditation work you will see some results so I'm not saying you're not going to see any results you will see results and those results will be sort of nice but they will be sporadic results and in fact what you'll see is you'll see a worsening of your emotional state not an improvement of your emotional state newbies come into meditation thinking that all I'm going to meditate and feel relaxed and then they rudely are awoken to the fact that no meditation makes you anxious and it drives your monkey mind crazy crazy that's why it works is because you pass through that then there is a purging there's a catharsis and then you get your peace after years of work you get your peace not at the beginning which is why almost nobody meditates because they're not willing to go through the flat part the beginning of the curve and they never get to the knee that then shoots up exponentially and this applies to almost any important area in your life whether it's fitness nutrition relationships emotional mastery consciousness work meditation business finances you know whatever so if you feel like you're a newbie and you feel like you're kind of desperate my best advice to you is just remember this principle of patience keep reminding yourself because you're gonna be forgetting all the time so just keep reminding yourself and just kind of slathering it on slathering it on and just letting it kind of like soothe you and reassure you that what you're doing is okay now what that's going to look like what's that that's going to look like it's like you're going to be changing your self-talk here so one question you might have is well Leo how do I apply the principle of patience give me something tangible here's something tangible your self-talk so the way that a newbie or an impatient person talks to himself about a project or endeavor that he's trying to succeed at is a very disempowering and counterproductive you say things to yourself like Oh am I going to get the result today oh man I didn't get the result I didn't get it what's wrong with me I must be doing something wrong or maybe this technique you know something's fishy about this technique I knew it I knew it that Leo Gallo he lied to me he told me a technique that doesn't work I knew it he was just a scam artist charlatan you know you you start to have that kind of self-talk needless to say that doesn't work very well instead you got to recognize become conscious as much as you can become conscious of yourself talk especially at the beginning phase the flat phase of this new project you're working on and then try to change it change it by becoming more conscious of the long-term results and the bigger picture of what you're doing become more conscious of the significance of the thing you're working on become more conscious that you're you're working really to break to the to the knee of the curve that's where you're trying to break through - hey so you tell yourself things like oh you know it's okay that things didn't work out this week because I'm in it for the long haul change yourself talk to something like that or you tell yourself stuff like oh yeah you know I'm just at the beginning of the project I'm always gonna feel bad at the beginning of the project the beginning of the project's the hardest part if I can just get through the beginning I'll be home free you see how much better that kind of self-talk is that's what I mean by applying that salv to your wound that's what you're doing here also another way that you can implement the principle of patience is to create more room in your life for strategizing for looking at the big picture most people are so busy doing stuff in life and entertaining themselves that they don't create uh just like an hour block of time every week where they can sit down and they can actually be a strategic thinker I have a whole episode that talks about that how to be a strategic [ __ ] go check that one out it's one my most popular episodes so we take the information from that episode and we combine it here with patience right a strategic thinker is he impatient or is he patient think about a a really successful military strategist like a general on the battlefield who has won many many battles he's very very wise what does he do before he goes into battle is he impetuous is he foolhardy does he just rush into battle without assessing the situation without thinking about the consequences of every possible action without projecting into the future what this will mean not only for this battle here but for the next battle and the next battle how all that connects to the whole war that he's fighting see a high quality general will think all that stuff through and to do that he needs to actually set aside time to sit down and think to strategize when you sit down and you strategize what will happen is you'll put your current week and your current day which might have been a crappy day or crappy week you'll put that into the context the larger context of what you're doing you'll say to yourself oh yeah you know this week I've been procrastinating and I haven't been writing my book and you know things have just become terrible wrong terribly wrong for me this week but wait a minute that's just a week I'm writing a book here that's going to change the lives of millions of people and this is a ten year long project and it's worth it even if it takes me ten years to do oh yeah what's a week what's a week what's a week in that larger picture it's nothing it's a small price to pay Hey so create this room in your life for strategizing a good starting point is carve out at least one hour every week where you can sit down quietly where you have no work that's pressing upon you no social obligations no nothing you're just sitting there quietly maybe late at night or early in the morning maybe on a weekend when you're totally free and just spend it thinking about your future spend it thinking about where you're going it's better thinking about how this project you're working on connects with that other project and how that will synergize with this third thing that you're doing and how all of it will come together for you right and spend that time reassuring yourself of like oh yeah I gotta remember to be patient I gotta remember to strategize I got to remember my long-term plans here because what happens is that you can set some plans but then you go to work for a week and you forget all about the plan the big picture plan because you're so lost in the details right and then and then you never come back to the big picture plan until a year later but you know by that point you've already quit so you don't even come back to it and the third and final a tangible thing that I'll give you here for how to actually implement this principle of patience is simply to slow down your pace slow down the pace of your work on this project so when you're impatient for results you really need a result what's going to happen is then of course you're going to try to speed up your pace you're going to look for shortcuts for how to do things faster so let's say someone is trying to UM someone is trying to lose weight right there they're obese or trying to lose weight so what do they come to me with if they come to me for advice they're gonna be like Leo how can I lose weight how can I lose 50 pounds in 20 days how can I do that and the answer is you can't you can't do that the problem is that you need to work and fix the root the root is your impatience that's the problem here the problem is not that you're fat the problems that you're impatient so instead of trying to fix it in 20 days try to do it in two or three times as long a period slow down when you're trying to lose weight the secret is not to go to the gym for three hours when you first start the secret is to go for 30 minutes but then to continue to go every day for 30 minutes now to a person starting off he thinks to himself well 30 minutes Li up now 30 minutes that's not gonna make me lose 50 pounds that's not enough I know what I'll do I'm so smart I'm gonna triple it I'm gonna triple I'm gonna go for 90 minutes I'll show Leo I'll show Leo 20 days he say I can't do in 20 I can do it in 20 days I'll just go for 90 minutes and I'll do it twice as fast that's about as silly as a woman thinking that she can have a baby in half the time just by trying to have it faster some things need time to bake to marinate to come out well so don't rush the project if this is a really significant important project to you you should be willing to take twice as long to do it you should be willing to slow your pace by twice as much and if you're not and if you struggle with that and you just can't let go you're like no Leo I got to keep my pace fast that's your problem right there that's the reason you're not succeeding let go of that just let go of it let go of needing the result focus on the path focus on walking the path you're on a path right now if you're following along with me and you're on the self-actualization path you're on this path right this path will completely transform your life if you just stay on it and you don't try to overthink it and psych yourself out and sabotage yourself somehow the most important thing you got to worry about is self-sabotage nothing will ruin your results more than self-sabotage and impatience is one of the biggest forms of that now I want answer an objection one objection that you might have at this point is you might say something well Leo it sounds like what you're just saying here is that you know I got to sit around and wait be more patient so be more patient means waiting but isn't there a danger in waiting what if by waiting I get complacent and lazy how can I know if I'm being lazy well it's really simple are you taking action patience only works when you're taking action I am not telling you here to sit around idly doing nothing waiting for a miracle to occur in your life and to somehow expect a situation to spontaneously resolve itself that's not what I'm saying at all I am a big advocate of taking action if you believe you can just sit there and wait for a spontaneous miracle that would be sort of like if you got stranded in the Sahara Desert in the middle of this vast desert with no water and no food and you were stranded there and you said oh I know what I'll do I'll take Leo's advice and I'll use Leo's advice and I'll just be patient I'm gonna sit down under this tree I'm gonna sit here and just be patient I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait to be rescued and water will come to me well if you do that you're going to be dead within a week water will not spontaneously come to you you have to go take action to find it so the right strategy in this desert case would be to actually go out and start looking for water so what would you do well you'd have to go around like looking for cactuses and maybe you go you find one cactus you try to like cut it open to get some some water out of it but instead it sticks you with its thorns it has no water in it so that one didn't work then you go you look for another cactus you find another cactus you suck some water out of that one but it turns out not to be water but some nasty poisonous juice and you have to spit it out and so that didn't work and you see now you're on a process of finding water now you're trying stuff and it's not working and that's where you be patient so if you're stuck in the Sahara and you're trying to find a cactus with water and you know one of them pokes you in the face and pokes you in the eye well that's when you apply the patient's principle that's when you need the ointment that's we need to reassure yourself and tell yourself it's going to be okay because there's a larger picture here this one cactus yeah it didn't work out but you know there's more cactuses all find water somewhere and you keep doing that you keep keeping that mindset and then you'll probably survive if you're resourceful so notice that I am I'm telling you to apply this principle of patience only on top of a foundation of you already taking action so if you're meditating great that means you're taking action now apply the patience principle to that if you're starting a business and you're working every day on your business great you're taking action now apply the patience principle to that and you know if you have depression you're working on some depression issues in psychotherapy great you're taking action you're going to therapy you're doing journaling you're introspecting you're analyzing your past and all this kind of stuff great keep doing that and apply the principle of patience to it also watch out for ineffective methods so it is possible for you to stumble upon some method that you think will work and it turns out that the method is actually totally ineffective and you just keep doing it over and over and over again for years and you get nowhere so I'm not telling you to be patient with a totally ineffective method the reality is is that you can quickly pretty quickly guesstimate whether a method is working or not because you start doing the method and you can already start to see little tiny tiny little results these aren't results you can you know you can really take home and brag to your family about these are little little little tiny results so when you sit down you meditate for thirty minutes see a little little tiny result maybe going to feel a little bit more calm after you finish that session or maybe you're going to feel a little bit calmer or a little bit more in emotional control when you're in some angry fight with your boss at work notice that and then you can see oh yeah that little result is a little indicator of the larger exponential results that I'll get years later down the road so that's how you tell if a method is effective if it's a totally ineffective method you're not going to see those right months will pass you're going to see anything if you're stuck on a method like that then drop the method and find a better one so I hope you're starting to see the wide-ranging ramifications of this principle of patience in all the areas in your life you can apply it you can apply to business projects to your career - changing of habits - building of confidence try to become more attractive to two women if you're a guy it works great for that if you're trying to become a better public speaker if you're trying to learn something new if you're trying to learn the guitar the piano musical instrument if you're trying to go back to school if you're trying to go to graduate school try to get a PhD if you're trying to master some subjects like mathematics or physics or history you know these are all subjects that take a lot of time and a lot of effort to master and they all have this kind of exponential growth curve so the result they don't come at the beginning they come at the end so just apply the patience principle over and over and over again in these situations and also also remember that your results are going to be so significant in these areas so significant it's going to be so worth it same thing for relationships trying to master your relationships if you try to develop emotional mastery if you're trying to develop consciousness or awareness if you're trying to do self actualization if you're trying to meditate if you're trying to do enlightenment work all this stuff remember that the results will be so worth it and you have to get realistic with yourself and you have to admit that it's probably going to take you longer than you expect in all these areas that I just listed from business to enlightenment work it will take you at least two to three to five times longer than you thought that's the reality and it will take you to three or five times more emotional effort than you thought in fact as far as emotional effort goes I would say the emotional effort is usually astronomically higher than you expect so the time you can be off by a factor of two or three or four on the time scale so if instead of a year takes you four years okay that's you know off by factor four as far as estimating the emotional labor for something like starting a business or reaching enlightenment you're probably gonna be off by a factor of a hundred or a thousand by a hundred or a thousand so you need to correct your expectations because right now your expectations are are totally out of line with the things you're trying to accomplish you're treating the things you're trying to accomplish as cheap little flimsy accomplishments when in fact they're super significant and super important accomplishments which you need to take very seriously you need to treat them with respect and expect that they should take years not months to accomplish and to master and decades really to master forget about mastery focus on just getting a little bit of results a little bit of proficiency don't even worry about mastery yet mastery takes decades okay so I want to end this by giving you a set of important questions that will help you to determine patience and impatience and to apply this principle of patience so here are the questions gather piece of paper and write these down question number one is one area in my life where I'm trying to go too fast is fill in the blank it's not really question to fill in the blank area in my life where I'm trying to go too fast is blank okay second one is why am I in such a rush why am I in such a rush the third question is if it took twice as long would it still be worth it if it took twice as long but it'd still be worth it next question if I embraced the principle of patience I would fill in the blank if I embraced the principle of patience I would fill in the blank next question how would my expectations change if I cared deeply about long-term results how would my expectations change if I cared deeply about long-term results and the next set of three questions that I'm going to give you are all going to apply to some specific project that you're working on so I want you to take a specific project you're working on and then ask yourself this what exactly does a lazy pace look like here for this project what exactly does a lazy pace look like here for this project and then follow that up with what exactly does an impatient pace look like here for this project what exactly does an impatient pace look like here for this project and lastly ask yourself what exactly does a wise pace look like here for this project what exactly does a wise pace look like here for this project alright go ahead and answer all those pick something in your life that's very significant to you and just check it out answer these questions and take a look are you being impatient maybe you could change the pacing and apply the principle of patience and what I talked about here and become more strategic in your planning all right that's it I'm signing off please click the like button for me post your comments down below I do read them share this episode with friend and lastly come check out actualizado right here this is my website and my newsletter you know speaking of patience one of the things you need extraordinary patience for is the journey of self-actualization and I know that your patience is thin so I try to keep my content very very practical I try to come up here every week and deliver something new to you that will help you a little bit to understand how your mind works how it tricks you how it sabotages you so that you can go out there and get the kind of success you want right if you're lacking patience and you can't trust yourself to follow along sign up to the newsletter because every week you'll get a little announcement a little update with more content and this material is meant to not just teach you techniques but to inspire you to motivate you and perhaps even most importantly just to keep you reminded of the fact that you are on this larger journey it puts little my new show of your week into perspective right don't underestimate how powerful that can be that can be a little habit you can set for yourself right here that will transform your whole life watch one of these episodes every week do it for a year or two man you will come out a totally different person in the end check it out anyways sign up stay tuned and I'll see you soon with more you